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IEEE Fellow、微软雷蒙德研究院Zicheng Liu研究员做客我校名师讲堂

发布时间:2020-05-23 点击次数:


  2018年8月27日,IEEE Fellow、微软雷蒙德研究院Zicheng Liu研究员做客我校名师讲堂,为师生带来题为“Neural Network Based 3D Skeletal Tracking on Azure Kinect”的专题讲座。讲座由机器人研究中心执行主任程洪教授主持。 Zicheng Liu研究员介绍了微软最新产品:深度摄像设备Azure Kinect及其开发工具箱的功能,并深入分析了该设备在运动跟踪领域的算法原理和应用成果。 

Zicheng Liu研究员与师生们就目前运动分析涉及的诸多算法和问题进行了深入讨论,现场气氛热烈,极大拓展了师生学术视野。 本次名师讲堂由人力资源部教师发展中心主办,机器人研究中心承办。


相关介绍: Time and address:2019-8-27, 16:00,innovation center A102 Title: Neural Network Based 3D Skeletal Tracking on Azure Kinect Abstract: Microsoft has built a new RGB-D sensor, called Azure Kinect, and released Azure Kinect DK which is a developer kit and PC peripheral for computer vision and speech recognition models (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/kinect-dk/). In this talk, I’ll briefly introduce the hardware and describe in more detail about the Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK which is a neural network based solution for the 3D skeletal tracking with the new RGB-D sensor.


Bio: Zicheng Liu is currently a principal research manager at Microsoft. His current research interests include human pose estimation and activity understanding. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University, a M.S. in Operational Research from the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science, and a B.S. in Mathematics from Huazhong Normal University, China. Before joining Microsoft Research, he worked at Silicon Graphics as a member of technical staff and shipped OpenGL NURBS tessellator and OpenGL Optimizer. He co-authored three books: “Face Geometry and Appearance Modeling: concept and applications”, Cambridge University Press, “Human Action Recognition with Depth Cameras”, Springer Briefs, and “Human Action Analysis with Randomized Trees”, Springer Briefs. He was a technical co-chair of 2010 and 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, and a general co-chair of 2012 IEEE Visual Communication and Image Processing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. He served as a Steering Committee member of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He was a distinguished lecturer of IEEE CAS from 2015-2016. He was the chair of IEEE CAS Multimedia Systems and Applications technical committee from 2015-2017. He is a fellow of IEEE.





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